
Intolerance and numbness

Hi friends!
These days Im really troubled by the incidences around the world.
We call ourselves civilized and progressive.Look at the state of the world. Lets start from India.
Narmada river valley project has been going on for I dont know since when. not complete.But thousands of villagers have been uprooted from their ancestral land, without compensation. We build dams saying the purpose is irrigation , for power.but if the farmers are uprooted , which irrigation are we talking about. earlier I also derived happiness from the logic that for lacs of people some have to sacrifice.The supposedly lacs of farmers havent got an inch of water for their land.Power, Electricity !!!?? its for the Urban people, specially those who have all the resources to concentrate all the powers in them.
so basically what we trying to is that we take away the resources from the poor people & redistibute it to already rich & powerful & for that another silent victim is our Ecology.
Iraq was bombed, grand plans professed. the result now is that thosands of Iraqis die , not in the battlefield, but their own homes. Their shia & sunnis are behaving like enemies. young soldiers from US, Italy, UK & other supporting countries are fed a s fodder to just take revenge for one man ( mr. president) & against one man ( anoter president). Oil for which they went their is a distant dream. they are actually trying to get out of Iraq ( leaving it to its fate) ASAP.
Back home Da vinci code , a work of fiction and Mf hussain's works, Aamir khan's film are banned for different reasons , but the common thread is INTOLERANCE.
Think about it friends, what we are trying to achieve. where are we going. and is this civilisation??
cheers urs pk

1 comment:

  1. Well, what are you doing to change the situation?

    There's nothing wrong with liking colours but what you say is as important as how you say it and where you say it. The blue on black is just hard to read that's all!
