
dignity of labour

hi friends! Love!
how do you do? Im taking up a topic relavant throughout the world, specially to India.
what do you think when you hear household work? more importantly how people react to the
word " servant"?

Though India ( BHARAT) can claim to have a GDP growth rate of above 8. Sending GSLV into
space, Nuclear energy from Thorium, expanding megalopolis, does it really respect Labour
specially done through hands directly without any modern gadgets. like Cooking in not so,
elite resturants ( Dhabas), a young child, working as a delivery boy from our colony;s grocer
and most important household helpers ( proudly called SERVANTS/naukar/naukarani).

The point Im coming to is the sheer lack of respect for any manualwork amongst Indians & Dignity
of labour. whether the the person who sweeps the road, or who collects garbage ( ineffect helping
our home clean) or toilet cleaners , specially in 2 nd classs wities & towns, a bit less in metros.

The scant respect shown by our Doctors at a prestigious medical institute by brooming the road
during a strike against the govt. of India's decision , shows their insentivity towards the basic
dignity or the lack of it, shown to their own staff who cleans the hospital & patients.

Recently a "crime" committed by a 10 yr old domestic servant ( she applied lipstick), which could
have been passed with laughter or may be mild admonish was excuse enough to beat her,
bound her, left to bleed to death. what RESPECT? to labour ,a CHILD and a future WOMEN.

This provoked me to think & write this. please share your thoughts. some sensitivity towards
our "Domestic Servant" (in another paralance , who needs to be domesticated/civilised
, as an animal would be) may emerge or may be a movemnet.

waiting for your humane replies


infinity, formlessness

The forms of existence are finite- all forms
to have a form means to be finite.
But existence is infinite
bcoz only the formless (nirankar) can be infinite
and existence is formlessness,
that is why , it can take all forms

Life &Security

There is no security in life,
because life cant exist except as insecurity-
that is why the more secure one is
the less alive one becomes. Death is complete security,
So never seek security
bco'z you are seeking death.

To live totally and in ecstasy, never demand security
Accept insecurity blissfully
and when you accept it
then you will know that it has a beauty of its own.


Trust Doubt & Atheism

dear friends,
The spirit of questioning has always been promoted in India & its religion & culture. Iin form of discussions, direct questioning of established facts and paths and comparison. so i welcome you all to start a discussion on this very topic. Doubt here doesnt mean unfaith , but the courage to question. It also doesnt apply to man's trust on man. this is the context. Love Pranay

Atheism is the first step towards theism,
and a must.
If you havent been through the fire of atheism,
you will never know the light of theism.
If you havent the true strength to say No
your YES will always be impotent
So I am glad you are an atheist-
something that can be said only by a theist.

So I say:Go deeper into atheism,
Superficiality wont do
so dont just think atheism, live it-
and it will ultimately lead you to god.
Atheism isnt it,
it is just a doubting.
Doubt is good but it isnt it.

Actually doubt is a search for trust.
So go on, make your journey,
for the path to truth starts with this doubt.
Doubt is sadhna (meditation)
because doubt eventually exposes the incontestable truth.

Inside the seed of doubt is the tree of trust,
so if you plant the seed of Questioning
and work on it
You are bound to harvest trust.
And beware all religions!
Only religions obstruct the true path of religion


Being a human

one of most common tendencies of human beings is to look for dissimilarities. anywhwere. be it nature, amongst themselves in terms of countries, castes, classes, races etc.

this despite the obvious physical resemblance and feelings human beings have. humans try to find: sometimes desperately look for differences.which is not wrong, very human, but have implications on our world.

we are all the same, whether jew, non-jew, hindu, muslim, black, white, yellow, upper class, lower class..

same feelings, same happiness, same sadness, each one of us wants to contribute , everything almost the same.. mull over it.

would appreciate "unifying" comments,

so lets find a unity in humanity & humaneness



I see the children abandoned by the society.. some near delhi railway station ( taking smack/brown sugar) , some near malls ( begging for pepsi & then giggling with joy), some sleeping near Ngos offices just outside where the exhaust fan is ( to get some respite from delhi's sweltering heat) .. when I watch them playing or eating with joy. mostli become joyous intheir joy but smtimes guilt pangs emerges...can i do nothing.. reasoning always .. how it CANT be done.. and writing Geogrge bernard's comments for "unreasonable men"...


sing with me

" Rimjhim Gire Saawan,
Sulag sulag jaye mann,
bheege aaj is mausam mein
lagi kaisi ye agan!

mehfil mein kaise keh de kisi se
dil bandh raha hai kisi ajnabee se!

Intolerance and numbness

Hi friends!
These days Im really troubled by the incidences around the world.
We call ourselves civilized and progressive.Look at the state of the world. Lets start from India.
Narmada river valley project has been going on for I dont know since when. not complete.But thousands of villagers have been uprooted from their ancestral land, without compensation. We build dams saying the purpose is irrigation , for power.but if the farmers are uprooted , which irrigation are we talking about. earlier I also derived happiness from the logic that for lacs of people some have to sacrifice.The supposedly lacs of farmers havent got an inch of water for their land.Power, Electricity !!!?? its for the Urban people, specially those who have all the resources to concentrate all the powers in them.
so basically what we trying to is that we take away the resources from the poor people & redistibute it to already rich & powerful & for that another silent victim is our Ecology.
Iraq was bombed, grand plans professed. the result now is that thosands of Iraqis die , not in the battlefield, but their own homes. Their shia & sunnis are behaving like enemies. young soldiers from US, Italy, UK & other supporting countries are fed a s fodder to just take revenge for one man ( mr. president) & against one man ( anoter president). Oil for which they went their is a distant dream. they are actually trying to get out of Iraq ( leaving it to its fate) ASAP.
Back home Da vinci code , a work of fiction and Mf hussain's works, Aamir khan's film are banned for different reasons , but the common thread is INTOLERANCE.
Think about it friends, what we are trying to achieve. where are we going. and is this civilisation??
cheers urs pk

the unreasonable man

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the UNREASONABLE man.

Change & You

MK Gandhi


Always in A Possibility

There are only two choices in life... to be or not to be... happy or sad.. its us, the human beings who pick any... so we are the author of everything in our life.. ... lets always be in the possibility of anything... Cheers